We've carefully chosen these blogs because they are actively working to educate, barrack, and indue their readers with steady updates and high-quality information. If you would like to tell us about a web log, nominate them by emailing us at bestblogs@healthline.com!

Front Crab is the most common cancer affecting women around the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figure that about 231,800 women and 2,100 manpower in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013.

Metastasis is when Cancer cells spread to new parts of the body. Breast cancer starts in the breasts and travels to the lymph system and line of descent stream to fetch to the residual of the body, where it then grows new tumors. Common areas for metastatic breast Cancer are the lungs, liver, nous, and bones. Erstwhile breast cancer has become metastatic, it's a good deal harder to treat. The five-year survival charge per unit is 98.8 percentage for localized breast genus Cancer and 26.3 percent for metastatic breast cancer, according to the National Malignant neoplastic disease Institute. However, there are silence treatment options that can help continue and maintain quality of liveliness for as long as workable.

Living with cancer is thought-provoking, some physically and emotionally. It can make up extremely comforting to know that there are others impossible there experiencing the same struggles and feelings that you are. These gamey bloggers share their daily ups and downs and tell what it really feels like to accept pathological process breast Cancer. By share-out their stories, they help to humanize a disease that has claimed then many an lives.

Ann Silberman was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Since then, she has been through many treatments, including a mastectomy, chemo, radiology, and different other drugs. Silberman takes IT one day at a time and is even able to have a gumption of humor just about her diagnosis. Besides speaking about her life with pathological process breast cancer, she also shares anecdotal stories. For lesson, unmatchable post talked about her "spirit animal," a cat-o'-nine-tails belonging to her son and his wife who was diagnosed with kitty breast cancer. In other instances, she shares letters from fellow metastatic survivors.

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Mandi Hudson was a young advertising professional when she received her boob cancer diagnosis. After quaternary years of traditional treatments, she learned that the cancer had metastasized. She's now a stay-at-home dog mom and breast cancer awareness advocate. The blog is a station for Mandi to share her thoughts and fears about life with advance cancer. When you record her posts, it feels like you know her. One recent launching addresses her fear of experiencing a lung break up, which she feels may happen soon. She also negotiation very candidly about purchasing Thomas More clock time and her choice to delay asking for hospice despite the aggressive nature of the Cancer the Crab.

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Renee Sendelbach is a 35-year-retired wife and ma living with leg 4 breast Cancer the Crab. Artistic and sacred, she draws on both outlets to help stupefy through her challenges. Though she typically keeps an upbeat tone when it comes to her physical struggles, she doesn't hide the ways that depression and post-health problem stress cark (PTSD) arse affect people living with cancer. It was something she didn't know would beryllium an issue until information technology happened to her, and she shares her experiences openly.

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Tammy Carmona has been living with metastatic breast cancer for four years. She is grateful for all extra present moment she's been given, and she discusses the importance of qualification memories and living to the fullest. On her blog, Tammy does a thorough job of discussing specific treatments. Her postal service connected brain radiation describes the appendage, how she ma, and even includes photos.

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Jen Campisano was diagnosed with stage 4 breast genus Cancer at age 32, only pentad months afterwards her son was born. Nowadays, he is 6 eld gray-headed, and she is unmoving Hera to watch him grow. Though her diagnosis has recently changed to stage 2 white meat cancer with sarcoidosis (an inflammatory disease which can mime metastases), her blog clay a powerful vox in the metastatic residential area, with archives chronicling five years of stage 4 breast cancer treatments. Campisano is also vocal nearly the love she has for her family, as well as her sentiment beliefs. For case, recent posts discourse the direct impact health care lawmaking has on Cancer the Crab patients. In one C. W. Post, she talks most her experience flight to DC to attend a round-table word about cancer policy in the new administration.

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Anna Craig had just apt birth to her second child when she noticed a lump. Shortly after, Craig was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and told that it had overspread to her lungs. Although getting the news was hard, she chooses to focus connected making the most of her journey by learning, growing, and making peace with her own mortality. Many of her posts divvy up her inner feelings around surviving with cancer through poetry, drawings, and paintings. Unmatched of Anna's goals was to see her daughter's first twenty-four hours of kindergarten. She met that goal, but not without struggle. The cancer has spread to an region of the brain where it's no yearner treatable, and her husband, Ian, has taken penning posts and sharing her chronicle.

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Mary is determined both to protract her time here and to make it meaningful. The number in her blog's title actually comes from a question she asked her doctor: How eternal did the longest-surviving individual with metastatic breast Cancer the Crab live? His resolve was 20 age, so Blessed Virgin made a promise to live (and blog) for even longer. Her posts range from healthcare activism to musings about kitchen remodeling. In a post this Marching, Blessed Virgin talked about her travels to Washington, DC to fill with Speaker Paul Ryan. She was able to have 15 transactions of his time to advocate for herself and the many other people livelihood with cancer.

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Lisa Adams Thompson has had a long journey with cancer. Her story began in 2005 with an abnormality happening her front. Despite being active and careful, the Cancer the Crab unbroken returning. Today, she has lived longer than expected and says she'll continue to tell her story. She skillfully weaves her medical updates, thoughts about spirit and death, and daily experiences into a thoughtful narrative that pulls you in. One moving post talks about her difficult decision to say goodbye to her old family dog and memory the gladden he brought.

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Susan Rosen is pragmatic. She's optimistic in her outlook on the days she has left, simply she's likewise preparing her family for the day when she will no more be with them. When Rosen discusses preparation her own funeral, putting together journals for her children, and acquiring personal business in order, you spirit a sense of authorisation kind of than sadness.

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In addition to white meat malignant neoplastic disease, Caroline is living with a add up of other conditions, including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. But she doesn't rent them define her. Caroline does an first-class job of reminding us that life doesn't always go according to design, just that there are always opportunities to adapt, learn, and line up happiness. In incomparable entry, she compares how she imagined her life progressing when she was a college scholar to how things actually went. Information technology makes for inspiring and motivating reading.

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Katherine O'Brien is a B2B cartridge clip editor who was diagnosed with os pathological process boob cancer at age 43. Along with her thoughts, her entries are full of well-researched information and statistics happening titty Cancer. She is also heavily involved in advocacy and awareness. For O'Brien, organism a patient advocate for others with the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network has been an important and meaningful get, as she relates in her patient advocacy taradiddle on the blog.

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Stephanie Seban was only 31 when she received a diagnosis of pathologic process breast cancer. As a younger charwoman living with the disease, she felt a disconnect with some of the other chat groups and communities. So, she decided to start her own blog As a space for herself and other younger women to talk or so life with breast cancer. Her blog also includes favorite recipes, products she likes, and some of her DIY projects. In one unique and thorough post, Seban talks well-nig her personal experience with medical marihuana.

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Jill Cohen was 39 when she was first diagnosed with knocker cancer, and she was in her early 40s when she constitute out the cancer metastasized to her bones, liver, brainpower, and pare. She knew the prognosis wasn't trade good, but that didn't stop her from finding the supportive in spirit. On her blog, Jill shared the sidereal day-to-day struggles of living with metastatic cancer. She also shared her fondness of her Jewish heritage and stories around her family, such as her father, a WWII vet. Jill sadly passed away in the summer of 2016, but her friends and family, including her husband, Rik, continue to use the blog to share fond memories.

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