
Which Term Describes The Surgical Repair Of The Tube Extending From The Kidney To The Bladder

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Sand in the kidneys of women and men: what to do, treatment with culling means at home



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Sand in the kidneys is one of the most common modern diagnoses. The concept of "sand" is conditional, since the role of sand is performed by finely divided particles - salts. Some types of salts are grouped together and course larger compounds - stones. Stones and sand in the kidneys indicate the development of urolithiasis or urolethyza.

Kidneys are a natural filter that cleans our blood, helps maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, maintains blood pressure level and participates in the construction of crimson claret cells of claret.

Kidney diseases at first do not occur asymptomatically, in most cases the initial phase of kidney disease is detected by gamble, for example, during a physical examination. Hurting and discomfort in the kidney expanse indicate a neglected pathological process, the treatment of which is quite long and has many nuances.

trusted-source[ane], [2], [3], [4], [5]


Statistics show that more than 70% of cases of kidney diseases are diagnosed untimely, which profoundly complicates treatment and leads to a number of severe consequences.

trusted-source[vi], [7], [viii], [ix], [10]

Causes of the sand in the kidneys

Most pathology occurs as a consequence of metabolic disturbances, when the pH (reaction) of the medium changes. The normal pH is betwixt v-vii. Depending on the reaction of urine, two types of sand (salts) in the kidneys are isolated:

  1. Salts of element of group i urine (pH greater than seven).
  2. Salts of acidic urine (pH less than five).

Alkaline urine salts include tripolphosphates, urate ammonium and baggy phosphates.

To salts of acid urine include urates, oxalates and crystals of uric acid.

These salts differ in appearance. Some of them are harmless, for case tripolphosphates. Others by their nature accept uneven faces, prickly and pointed edges. Oxalate sand in the kidneys or salts of urate ammonium lead to damage to the kidney tissue, the walls of the ureters and the bladder. For this reason, the patient volition experience that his kidneys are hurting because of the sand. Unpleasant sensations are greatly amplified when the sand leaves the kidneys.

The size of the sand in the kidney reflects the degree of the pathological process. The diameter of the particles to 3 mm indicates the presence of merely sand, and larger ones - for the presence of stones.

A large corporeality of sand precipitates, which can be seen with the naked eye after urination. The colour of the sediment varies depending on the type of salts, their density and the presence of additional impurities (mucus, pus, blood).

The causes of the advent of sand in the kidneys are quite diverse. They include:

  1. Injuries to the kidneys, including back injuries (fractures, bruises of the spine and separate vertebrae)
  2. Congenital malformations of the kidneys, including agenesis (1 kidney)
  3. Disturbance of calcium and phosphorus metabolism due to hypofunction or hyperthyroidism of the parathyroid glands
  4. Acute and chronic diseases of the urogenital organs
  5. Unreasonable eating, excessive drinking, (peculiarly wine and beer), sour, spicy and fried foods
  6. Sharp transition to vegetarian diets with a predominance in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits
  7. Chronic Kidney Disease
  8. Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia (high content of fat particles in the blood)
  9. Irradiation
  10. Diseases of bone tissue (osteoporosis, osteomalacia), hypovitaminosis of vitamin D
  11. Sedentary lifestyle, obesity
  12. The apply of poor quality water, unbalanced in chemical composition
  13. Insufficient fluid intake
  14. Subcooling, specially the legs and back
  15. Prolonged nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

The slight sand in the kidneys during pregnancy, although it is a departure from the norm, but not a cause for business. Its appearance is due to the fact that the intrauterine development of the child requires full mobilization and intensive work of the female parent'southward trunk, therefore the kidneys work in an enhanced fashion. Correction of the diet under the supervision of the attending doc will help in the shortest possible time to establish their work.

trusted-source[xi], [12], [xiii], [14], [15]

Adventure factors

In the chance zone are people whose work activity takes place in a draft and in cold rooms. Working in chemical plants for the production of aniline dyes and pesticides can crusade kidney disease due to the nephrotoxic result of chemicals.

Another type of take chances is the blazon of action associated with injuries. Professional sports, in particular martial arts (boxing, Thai boxing, karate) tin can cause kidney illness on the footing of aggressive mechanical influence.

Excess weight and obesity increase the risk of urolithiasis due to a wide range of metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus or gout accumulates nether-oxidized metabolic products, pH shifts to a weakly acidic side, salts of acidic urine announced).

The presence of a history of kidney disease, such as pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, significantly increases the risk of developing kidney pathology, even later on 10 years. Sand in the kidneys and pyelonephritis can indicate an acute inflammatory process on the soil of infection with a bacterial infection, as well as fungi of the genus Candida.

trusted-source[16], [17], [xviii], [19]

Symptoms of the sand in the kidneys

Symptoms of sand in the kidneys practise not always take a pronounced clinical picture. At the beginning of the illness the patient feels symptoms of general malaise, minor weakness, swelling of the confront in the morning, it is possible to form darkish circles under the eyes.

In the course of the evolution of the disease, the first signs appear, conspicuously indicating a kidney disease. They include:

  1. Drawing pains in the lumbar region, which are localized on both sides or only on one side.
  2. Rapid or vice versa, decreased urination.
  3. The appearance of a characteristic sediment in the urine.
  4. Change in color of urine is not related to nutrition.

Sand in the kidneys and blood during urination point impairment to the walls of the organs of the urinary organization. This is due to the fact that some types of salts have precipitous edges. This condition is fraught with negative complications correct up to the development of anemia.

Unremarkably fine sand, unlike stones and large crystals, does not crusade a person inconvenience.

Kidney stones can provoke renal colic. Renal colic is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort. The mechanism of development of renal colic is associated with a violation of urinary outflow from the kidney due to clogging with a stone. This leads to the dilatation of the renal pelvis (its part is to collect urine for further transportation through the ureter) and to disturb the renal circulation.

The kidneys in the kidney are more symptomatic. Most oft, the passage of sand forth the ureters and the urethra is accompanied past an increase in temperature and hurting. The kid loses his appetite, symptoms of intoxication appear. Urination is difficult, the child complains of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Complications and consequences

In the absenteeism of adequate handling of sand in the kidneys develops urolithiasis. Against the groundwork of loss of blood in the urine, anemia can develop. Violation of the renal circulation leads to an increase in claret pressure level. Straight in the kidney occurs harm nephrons violated its filtration capacity, which can cause one of the about serious diseases - renal failure (chronic kidney affliction).

If yous do non follow a diet and do not have control tests, and so at that place will be relapse, which will exist more hard every fourth dimension.

trusted-source[20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29]

Diagnostics of the sand in the kidneys

Diagnosis of sand in the kidney is performed past instrumental and laboratory methods of investigation. The final diagnosis is made after examination, collection of anamnesis and diagnosis.

Instrumental diagnostics is conducted to appraise the anatomical and functional-morphological state of the kidneys.

With this pathology, the most common method of diagnosis is ultrasound. Ultrasound from unlike positions allows yous to accurately determine the shape, position, shape of the kidneys, assess the status of the calyx and pelvis, the thickness of the parenchyma. It is with the help of ultrasound that nephrolithiasis and salt formation are diagnosed.

For differential diagnostics, if suspicion of cyst formation or oncology is suspected, more authentic methods of investigation, for example, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, tin be used. Radiography for the study of the kidney is practically non used, as the loops of the intestine can distort the contours in the image.

A small amount of sand can not always be seen on ultrasound. Therefore, the side by side stage of diagnosis is a laboratory urine test.

For general analysis, it is necessary to collect morning urine immediately afterwards waking upwards in a special jar. The analysis is preferably delivered to the laboratory within the kickoff two hours.

For the diagnosis of salts, a lab technician evaluates the color of urine, conducts microscopy of sediment to determine the type of salts, cellular elements and epithelium. Using a special test strip, the pH of the urine is determined.

Another important analysis is the study of blood for full general analysis and biochemistry. A full general blood test helps to identify associated pathological conditions - the inflammatory procedure and anemia. Amongst the biochemical indicators, creatinine and urea occupy a special place (diagnostics of the excretory role of the kidneys), and uric acid (the indicator of purine base exchange).

trusted-source[30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37]

What exercise demand to examine?

How to examine?

What tests are needed?

Treatment of the sand in the kidneys

Complex treatment of sand in the kidneys includes drug therapy, diet therapy and drinking regimen. Physiotherapy treatment is indicated in the presence of concrements.

Drugs for removing sand from the kidneys are prescribed in the absence of large stones, otherwise the stone will shut the lumen of the ureter and urgent surgical intervention will be required.

  1. Cyston with sand in the kidneys removes inflammation and has a diuretic consequence. The drug improves renal circulation, relieves spasms of blood vessels, promotes the excretion of calcium salts, oxalic acid and hydroxyproline. Cyston softens the kidney stones by affecting the substance that holds the crystals together. Other active ingredients act against pathogenic Gram-negative microorganisms. Produced in the form of tablets, adults and children over 14 are given two tablets iii times a day afterwards meals. Children under 14 years of age have i or 0.5 tablets, depending on the condition of the kid and the physician's recommendations. The course of treatment is i-two months. The drug is well tolerated and does not cause agin reactions. With individual intolerance, an allergic reaction may occur.
  2. Kanefron with sand in the kidneys are used every bit an antispasmodic, analgesic, antioxidant and diuretic. The therapeutic effect on the tubular and glomerular arrangement of the kidneys reduces the release of protein in the urine and improves reabsorption. Plant components accept bactericidal activeness. Issued in the class of drops and tablets for oral administration. Adults and children over 12 years are prescribed 50 drops (two tablets) three times a day for 4-half dozen weeks. Kanefron is well tolerated past patients, but individual intolerance to certain components is possible.
  3. The employ of Urolesan with sand in the kidney is shown mainly in pyelonephritis and cystitis. It is also a herbal preparation, notwithstanding, it acidifies the urine, which is contraindicated in the formation of salts of acidic urine. Information technology has clarified properties and increases diuresis. Assign 8 to 10 drops per piece of sugar, which is placed under the tongue. The grade of treatment is from 5 to 30 days. The intake of Urolesan should be combined with an abundant beverage to preclude a feeling of nausea.
  4. Phytolysin is used as a diuretic, bacteriostatic and analgesic. Phytolysin promotes softening of the stones and excretion of them with urine. Assign for cystitis, inflammation of the urinary tract and pelvis. Contraindication is the presence of phosphate stones. The preparation is produced in the form of a paste. A teaspoon of the paste is dissolved in 100 ml of warm h2o and drunk later a meal. The course of handling is i-two months.
  5. Furamag is an antimicrobial agent derived from nitrofurans. The drug does not touch on the pH of urine, has a wide range of antibacterial effects.

Indications for use are purulent-inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. The preparation is released in the grade of capsules. Adults prescribe 50-100 mg 3 times a twenty-four hour period for 10 days. With a longer duration of admission, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the epigastric region may occur. In this instance, you must cancel the drug and consult a physician.

  1. Antibiotics with sand in the kidneys are prescribed in case of attachment of a secondary bacterial infection. In this example, Ceftriaxone 1.0 is administered for intramuscular injection. The drug is released in the form of a powder, which must exist dissolved with injectable h2o and water ice medicine (in the absence of allergies).


The nutrition with sand in the kidneys depends on the type of salts formed.

It is important to remember that alcohol in the sand in the kidneys is contraindicated in any case.

The appearance of alkaline urine (phosphate) salts indicates that the diet needs to be slightly acidified. The basis of this diet is protein food, namely lean chicken and veal in boiled or broiled form, lean fish, steam omelettes, eggs, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt), cheese, cheese, fruit (except bananas and grapes). Mineral h2o with sand in the kidneys should be "acidic" (Mirgorodskaya, Narzan). Ordinary drinking h2o can be slightly acidified with natural apple cider vinegar or lemon (iii-4 drops per glass of water). It is very important not to overeat and avert fried, sweet, buttery and very fatty foods.

Salts of acid urine betoken the need to alkalize the diet. Nutrition in acid sand in the kidneys (urate and oxalate) is aimed at reducing the synthesis of uric acid. Limit the consumption of meat (in boiled 2-3 times a week), cheese, smoked products, sour fruits and completely exclude strong meat and bone broths, coffee, mushrooms, sorrel, chocolate, muffins, canned food and pickled vegetables. To make a nutrition menu with sand in the kidneys, you need to take into account the sex and historic period of the person. It shows the use of dairy products, eggs (no more than one per day), cereals from diverse cereals, salads from boiled and fresh vegetables. Mineral water should be alkaline metal, for example Truskavets.

trusted-source[38], [39]

Handling with alternative means

  • Recipe # 1

Rosehip from sand in the kidneys is 1 of the about popular alternative means. It is of import to recall that it can not be used in the presence of oxalates and urates. The fact that the dog rose contains a big amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acrid), which tin can enhance the formation of salts.

Salts of alkaline urine are well treatable with rose hips. To prepare the broth, accept 3 tablespoons with a drinking glass of rose hips, put in enameled dishes, pour water and put on a water bath. Rosehip is insisted on a water bath for half an hour, after which it must be cooled, hips pressed through the cheesecloth and all the liquid tuckered into a separate container. Drinkable a warm potable 30 minutes before meals four times a day. The grade of treatment is 20-30 days. Next, you need to take a 10-day break and so repeat the course of treatment.

  • Recipe No. 2

100 g of crushed sunflower root is placed in boiling water (two.5 - 3 liters). We boil for v minutes under the closed hat and we insist until the broth cools downwards. The goop is stored in the refrigerator. Every day, for a calendar month, you lot need to beverage a liter (divided into iv meals) of this liquid 30 minutes before meals or one hour afterward meals.

  • Recipe # three

For the third recipe, you need to have the leaves and roots of parsley. You tin can use fresh raw materials and dried herbs. Thoroughly mix, crush. 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a slide pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist under the lid for ii-three hours. The drinking glass is boozer three times at regular intervals. The grade of handling is three weeks.

  • Recipe No. four

Spores of sand in the kidneys is all-time cooked in the evening and insist in a thermos. five-6 tablespoons herb spores are placed in a ane-liter thermos, pour boiling water and insist 10 hours. Pollechennuyu liquid drink 3-4 times a one-half hr before meals. The grade of treatment is x days.

  • Recipe No. 5

Well helps soda from the sand in the kidneys, which forms acidic stones. For treatment, it is necessary to dissolve one teaspoon of soda without a slide in a glass of warm h2o and drink in the morning immediately later on enkindling. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Information technology is non necessary to use soda more than the norm: an excess of brine is besides harmful, as well as a defect.


Homeopathic treatment prevents stone germination, contributes to the slowing downwards of the growth of stones, stops the hurting symptom with renal colic.

Calcarea Carbonica (carbon dioxide lime) favorably affects all organs and systems of the torso. It is a non-toxic substance, dissimilar other homeopathic remedies. The remedy is used to restore the damaged mucous walls of the urino-genital organs, as well as to normalize the salt metabolism. Dosage is appointed individually and depends on the patient'south status.

Kolokunsis and Dioscrew are prescribed to relieve pain in renal colic. The drugs accept analgesic and antispasmodic effect, better the blood circulation of the kidneys.

Beladonna (Krasavka) is used to treat inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organization, with urinary incontinence. The plant is poisonous, and then it is important not to overdose the drug. Beladonna removes spasms and relaxes the musculature of the ureters.

The above-described preparations are released in the form of granules. Dosage and frequency of admission is prescribed by the attention physician. Kolokunsis and Dioscore are used as symptomatic treatment, Beladonna and Kalkarei - courses.

The above preparations, with the exception of the Beladonna, are well tolerated by the torso and do non cause any side furnishings. The drug Béadonna is effective, but not always well tolerated by patients. If the correct dosage is observed, information technology does not crusade adverse reactions.


Sand in the kidneys does non demand surgical handling. The indication for the operation is the presence of large concrements larger than 5 mm.

There are ii types of surgical handling: pyelolithotomy and nephrolithotomy.

In pyelolithotomy surgically, an incision is made to the pelvis of the kidney, from which the stones are removed.

With nephrolithotomy, an incision is fabricated along the entire kidney. This performance is more complicated due to damage to the parenchyma of the organ.

These methods fall into the background because of loftier traumatization and long-term recovery.

The most common methods of combating kidney stones: remote lithotripsy (crushing stones without incisions), transcutaneous lithotripsy (carried out through a small-scale incision in the lumbar region) and laser crushing.

Non-invasive therapy has a number of advantages: the absence of a long recovery menstruation, a rapid return to normal life rhythm, practically has no contraindications, is relatively painless and does not harm the parenchyma of the kidney.


Prevention of kidney disease is the observance of diet, drinking regimen and motor activity. The patient should go rid of excess weight and perform daily light concrete exercises.

Every six months, it is necessary to accept a urinalysis test to assess kidney office. If the sand in the kidneys was very much, during the offset year the urine examination should be taken every 2 months.



This affliction can not be cured completely. Consummate absence of symptoms and expert health are signs of a stable remission. If the above recommendations are observed, the forecast can exist considered favorable.

trusted-source[41], [42]

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